Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Differences Between Tahoe and Ashley

It's been raining all day and I have a cold - just what I needed!  I walked Tahoe and Ashley this morning in the rain.  It was a short walk (yet again) but they were soggy dogs nonetheless when we returned to the house.  So, instead of writing about the rain or my stuffy nose and sore throat, I thought that I would take this posting opportunity to tell you a little bit about the funny differences between Tahoe and Ashley.

Of course, there are the obvious differences... Tahoe is a boy and Ashley is a girl, Tahoe is 10 and a half and Ashley is 5 (and a half?), Tahoe is tall and slender and Ashley is shorter and stout.  But there are also much more subtle differences that I've discovered since I've been lucky enough to have them both in my life.

Tahoe and Ashley

They have different approaches when seeking attention:
Tahoe is a very energetic weimaraner.  He loves to play ball and he can be forceful (and relentless) when he wants me to understand his desire to play.  He'll take the ball, chew on it to get it all wet, and then take his cold wet nose and nudge my hand or my lap or just about any other part of my body that's convenient for him.  He's patient but up to an extent, after which he get's frustrated and voices his frustrations. Ashley is a bit more low-key.  She likes to play ball but but she'll take the ball and place it on the floor next to me or in my lap when she wants to play.  She is also very patient and she'll quietly wait ten minutes... thirty minutes... whatever it takes until I throw her the ball.

Their gaits are very different:
On walks, Tahoe bounds forward like a miniature horse - front legs reaching forward and back-end veering crooked. Ashley's walk reminds me of a cartoon. Do you remember the Fintstones? One of Fred's hobbies was bowling and he was nick-named "twinkle-toes" because he would walk on his toes. Ashley walks like Fred Flintstone... on her toes. 

They drink water differently:
When it comes to drinking water, Tahoe's big tongue usually displaces half of the water in the bowl.  He is the one responsible for the puddles of water on the floor by their water and food bowls. Ashley is much more prim and proper with her approach.  She is much neater and makes less slurping noise.

They have different eating habits:
Tahoe is finicky with his food.  He does get hungry but he is also known for not finishing his breakfast in the morning.  When he is hungry, he'll whine and cry until he's been fed. Ashley loves, loves, loves food.  She'll eat anything, anywhere, from anybody.  I've been on walks with her where she's spotted food wrappers near the sidewalk and in a split-second, she's gobbled them up.  That said, she cries for food only when she knows that I'm about to feed them.

They sleep in different places:
Tahoe likes to sleep on our sofas, beds, and floor.  When he goes to sleep for the night, he always sleeps with me.  Ashley likes to sleep on our sofas, beds and her doggy bed.  She also sleeps on the floor but she prefers the sofa. She has no problem sleeping the night away in a room by herself.

There are many more differences but, with all of that, there is one constant that remains the same for both of them: they are beautiful animals filled with unconditional love.

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