A snap-shot of the last 24 hrs...
Snow started falling in our area around 4:00pm on Wednesday, January 26, 2011. The roads were slick and traffic was blocked for miles. It took me over 2 hours to travel 7 miles and, based on
news reports, I was one of the lucky ones. Once home, I started to prepare dinner. I had just started to crack an egg to make fried rice when the power went out... the time was 6:30pm.
4:00pm, 1/26/11: The snow starts to fall... |
4:30pm, 1/26/11: Roads are blocked with accidents and traffic. |
7:30pm, 1/26/11: Damage to our tree from the weight of snow. |
11:30am, 1/27/11: The wandering Brit after the storm. |
11:40am, 11/27/11: An abandoned & damaged car. |
11:47am, 11/27/11: A down tree (and fence). |
Ashley, coping with the conditions. |
Tahoe, restless and tired. |
Thursday, January 27, 2011... Anyone who has spent time in the DC metro area during the winter knows that people in Washington, DC and the suburbs surrounding the city go crazy when there's any sort of snowfall. It's almost as if everyone forgets how to drive and make rational decisions. Working at a college, on occasion I am a lucky recipient of a day off due to inclement weather aka, "snow days." This is basically the school's attempt to keep its students and staff safe by keeping them off of the roads and away from dangerous DC drivers.
So, home all day with the power (still) out and nothing better to do, I decided to read the horoscopes in the paper. (I should preface this by stating that I don't typically check my horoscope or
Tahoe's. I think I was starting to go a little stir crazy.) Tahoe was born on March 10 so I read today's horoscope for Pisces. I've included it below:
"You are prone to getting stiff if you stay in the same position for too long. Experiment with movement. Get up, stretch, bounce around. This is true both physically and metaphorically."
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