Monday, January 30, 2012

Catching Up

So... I indicated last night that I've been having some problems with my laptop and my digital camera. I'm still have issues but, lucky for you, where there's a will there's a way!

Over the past few days, Tahoe and Ashley have been getting out and about with their daily walks around the neighborhood. The weather has been unusually warm for this time of year and the days are getting longer so the number of walks that we've been taking in actual daylight has been increasing - yay! Yesterday, Tahoe even participated in his first 5k. (Thanks to Adam at the Boring Runner for hosting the 2nd Annual "Freeze Your Thorns Off" Virtual 5K).

Tahoe - running too fast to capture on film!

Pit stop #9 of #132

So how did Tahoe do? He's a natural! He PR'd with an estimated finish time of 35 minutes (25 minutes running + 10 minutes peeing).  He didn't even work up a sweat! I must admit, at times it was tough to pull him away from the occasional (and evidently) fragrant patch of grass or random animal poo but, in the end, he kept a good pace. And what did Ashley think of Tahoe's race performance?

Oh brother!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Dear readers,

Unfortunately, I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my laptop and my digital camera. Please do stand by... I hope to have these issues resolved this week.

I'll be back soon... I promise!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blue Monday

Were you feeling down or depressed yesterday?
If you answered "yes," then you may be interested to learn that January 23, 2012 was deemed the most depressing day of the year, according to research conducted by British psychologist Cliff Arnall.

Feeling blue?

So how can one fight the winter doldrums?
According to Tahoe and Ashley, daily walks outside, belly rubs, and games of catch will help you combat the winter blues. In other words, exercise, fresh air, laughter, and friends can help you stay healthy and cheerful during the long winter months. So what are you waiting for? Turn off your computer and get moving!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Broken Heart

Losing a game is heartbreaking. Losing your sense of excellence or worth is a tragedy. ~ Joe Paterno (1926-2012)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jumping Rope

Back in September, a Japanese dog handler made the Guinness Book of World records for the most jump roping dogs. (Who knew that there was even a record for jump roping dogs?) Uchida Geinousha, who runs the "Super Wan Wan Circus" based in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan was able to get 13 dogs to jump rope at the same time. Don't believe me? Watch the video below...

Those that know me best will know why this dog story captured my attention... Maybe I can teach Tahoe and Ashley to jump rope. You see, long ago, I was a bit of an aficionado with a jump rope. To this day, I can still do an "Awesome Annie" and "EB cross." I was actually on a jump rope and double dutch team in elementary school, middle school, and high school. Sadly (for you), I don't have any pictures from practices, competitions, and performances to share with you. *Darn-it* But, I do still have a few of the awards that I won. (You'll just have to believe that they are mine and that I didn't buy them off of Ebay).

A couple of awards from competitions

Highest placement that I earned: 5th in the World for Double Dutch

Monday, January 16, 2012

Three-Day Weekend

I love three-day weekends! I hope that you were lucky enough to get today off too.

So how did I spend my time this weekend?

On Saturday, I did a little baking in preparation for a dinner that Brian and I attended with our friends. I experimented with a new recipe I found here. (I highly recommend these brownies - they were scrumptious and easy to make!)

I decided to go on a hike on Sunday... I had to burn off those brownie calories somehow. I walked 14 miles on the Bull Run - Occoquan Trail. The same trail that Brian and I took Tahoe and Ashley on last week. This time though, I started at Bull Run Marina (6.25 miles up on the trail, away from where we were last week). It was a clear and cold day and there were several stretches of the trail that were slippery and muddy. To give you a better sense of what the trail is like, I took pictures at each mile marker...

Start of hike - Bull Run Marina

Trail goes alongside the river for several miles

Mile marker 7 (.75 miles down)

Eek - something lost their skin!

At the ball fields

Mile marker 8

Clear blue sky

Mile marker 9

I didn't know horses could read?!

Mile marker 10

It was cold - these icicles are proof

Hemlock Overlook

No swimming... uh, duh!

Pawprints in the mud

Mile marker 11

Mile marker 12

Mile marker 13

At mile marker 13, I turned around, retraced my steps and headed home. In total, I hiked for 4 hours and 30 minutes. (The picture taking and mud slowed me down a bit.)

As for today, Brian and I attended a Wizards basketball game. Sadly, the Wizards lost (not really surprising given their current record) but, we still enjoyed watching John Wall play, and seeing Ted Leonsis and Gheourghe Muresan. John Wall had a record high of 38 points in the game and Brian got his fill of nachos and all-you-can-eat jalapenos.

On our way to the Verizon Center - they reminded me of Tahoe & Ashley

Brian, in jalapeno heaven!

Wizards & Rockets warm-up

Half-time dancing balloon guys

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Snow Flurries!

Big fluffy snowflakes... that's what fell from the sky in our area yesterday afternoon. It didn't amount to much in the way of accumulation (maybe an inch or two) and it didn't stick to the roads or sidewalks. But, the snow did blanket the area, creating beautiful white winter landscape... and a giant snow cone for Ashley.

The scene outside our home

Ashley, eating the snow

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fun at Fountainhead

Today was a great day for a hike. Brian and I loaded the pups in the car and headed out to Fountainhead Regional Park. I must admit, half of the fun of going to Fountainhead is the ride in the car with Tahoe and Ashley. Those two love to ride with their heads sticking out the car window. Luckily it was warm enough (60's) to drive with the windows down.

Ashley - she's such a backseat driver!

Tahoe loves to put his nose on the windshield

Ashley, on her way to Fountainhead

Tahoe and Ashley know the road to Fountainhead well. As we get near the park, they start to get very excited - they will bark, cry, and bounce all over the car! By the time we parked the car those two were so excited that they trampled me and bolted out of the car.

After a few crazy minutes, I finally got Tahoe and Ashley under control and we headed to the hiking trail. The trail at Fountainhead is one that I've hiked several times with Brian, Tahoe, Ashley, and with Babu. We hiked for about an hour and then we explored the park area and miniature golf course. I'm pretty sure that Tahoe and Ashley had a good time.

Ashley, at the start of the trail

Spotting something in the woods

Are you kidding - we've only gone 1 mile?

Tahoe chewing on a stick

Exploring the miniature golf course

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


18... degrees Fahrenheit.
That was the temperature outside when I headed to work this morning. Brrrr! What a huge change from the balmy 60 degrees that it was this past weekend. (I ran a 10k race on Saturday and wore a short sleeve t-shirt -- that was just five days ago!).

Tahoe and Ashley seem to be coping just fine with the extreme changes in temperature. Maybe that's because Brian got some firewood and lit a fire in our fireplace today.

Tahoe - doesn't seem to care about the chilly temps outside

Brian got the fireplace "roaring"

On 12/31 I ran a 10k in short sleeves! Photo by Germani Photography

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringing in 2012

Happy 2012! I hope that you have a wonderful, happy, and healthy New Year.

Happy New Year!

Ashley - excited for 2012

Looking back on all of my posts from 2011, it's safe to say that it was a truly amazing year filled with fun, family, travel, and dog walking. I hope that my blog has made you smile on occasion, and helped you learn a little more about dogs and my personal journey as a dog lover and mommy to two wacky weims.

So, with January 1st upon us, it's that time of year when everyone makes their New Year's Resolution - where we resolve to change something or become better, healthier, etc. Do you have a New Year's Resolution? According to the American Kennel Club, if dogs could talk, below would be a list of their top 10 New Year's Resolutions:

10. Owner on floor, dog in bed.
9. Stop begging and actually get a seat at the dinner table.
8. Give up the dream of ever catching my tail.
7. Bark like a big dog but still get cuddled on lap like a little dog.
6. Get back at cat for litter box incident.
5. Find every bone I ever buried.
4. No more haircuts! (Come fall, I can go as a Komondor for Halloween).
3. Become alpha dog in my house. Well, at least stop letting the cat push me around.
2. Invent goggles that allow me to see the electric fence.
1. Finally pass that darn AKC Canine Good Citizen test. 

I hope that 2012 is an amazing year for you and your loved ones (both human and furry) and as I continue on my own journey I am excited to share what happens with our "pack" as we continue on this exciting ride.