On July 4th, Brian participated in something that has become a bit of an annual
tradition in our household -- the Nathan's Famous Hotdog Eating
Contest. The official contest takes place every year in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. And, every year at noon, Brian and I tune into ESPN and watch as championship competitive eaters attempt to consume as many hotdogs as they can in a 10 minute time period. Of course, Brian just can't sit back and watch... he has to participate too!
The hotdogs are ready... |
Brian "the iron stomach" is ready... |
Ashley & Tahoe are thinking "you can do it!" |
After 10 minutes, Brian successfully polished off 4.5 hotdogs*
*Note: It must be mentioned that Brian was at a slight disadvantage this year. The buns that we used were potato buns, not regular white bread buns. Potato buns are much heavier and denser - not ideal for competitive eating.
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