In November 2007, a friend approached me and asked me if I wanted another weimaraner. My first reaction was "No Way!" Tahoe was already a handful... how would I be able to manage him AND another dog. I was curious though, so I asked a few questions and I learned the following:
A few weeks prior, the father of my friend's boss died. He was 94 years old. He lived in Newcastle, Maine and he had a three year old weimaraner named Ashley. My friend's boss and his wife lived in Northern VA and they drove up to Maine and brought Ashley back to their home. They had two other weimaraners and they were not prepared to keep Ashley so they were looking for a new home for her.
Brian and I were not necessarily prepared to welcome another dog into our household either. But, I was intrigued by the idea of another dog in the house with Tahoe. Brian and I had been in and out of the house a lot during this time for our jobs. I reasoned that another dog would give Tahoe some company while we were out. It would also give him a "job" of sorts... he could be a big brother. The more I thought about it, the more I started to like the idea - even though it seemed a little crazy.
I contacted my friend and decided that I wanted to meet Ashley. She suggested that Ashley meet Tahoe too so I picked Ashley up and I brought her home for a sleepover. Ashley and Tahoe seemed to get along and, for the most part, Tahoe accepted her. Ashley was very shy and she stayed close to me throughout the entire stay. She was much smaller compared to Tahoe. I must admit that I bonded with her that evening. She was very sweet and gentle.
I returned Ashley the next morning. Over the next two days Brian went back and forth about what we should do. Deep down, I wanted to keep Ashley but we already had Tahoe... and it just seemed crazy to get a second dog. But Brian knew that Ashley had touched my heart during her short stay. (She had touched his heart as well.) He told me to go pick her up and bring her home and that's exactly what I did. Ashley joined our family on November 16, 2007.
Ashley |