Monday, October 24, 2011

Watch out for that.... Tree?

The other day, a funny thing happened while Brian and I were walking Tahoe and Ashley by the lake.  During the walk, Brian had Tahoe's leash and I had Ashley's leash. As we approached the edge of the lake, Tahoe got super excited. Tahoe got so excited that he literally yanked Brian down a hill, causing Brian's glasses to fly off of his head, and pulling him straight into the trunk of a tree. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera on me that day (lucky Brian). So, here are some photos from our walk today - while not as exciting as images of Brian being yanked down a hill, glasses flying and all, they do feature Brian, Tahoe, and Ashley and the fall foliage.

Watch out... danger ahead ; )



Walking in the park

PS: After the little tree incident I told Brian that he should probably stick with walking Ashley... for his own safety. (In general, Ashley is much easier to walk with one exception: she can get a tad excited/aggressive when passing other dogs while on leash.)

PPS: No husbands or trees were harmed in the making of this incident.

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