Friday, April 15, 2011

Addicted to Grass

With sunnier days and warmer temperatures, it seems that we have been encountering more and more people during our daily walks with Tahoe and Ashley. We've also been attracting more attention - although, I'm not really sure why. (I think it's just because there are more people outside.)

The lake in the late afternoon

Flowering trees near our home

Most recently, one woman stopped us during our walk to tell us how much she liked the weimaraner dog breed.  She was across the street yelling at us. At first, we thought that we had some how upset her. But then, she repeated: "I love your dogs.... where did you get them... they are gorgeous... I'm just in love with them."

It's a strange thing - having someone say "you're dogs are beautiful." I always respond with "thank you" but it makes me feel funny. How would you respond?

As to the subject line of today's post "Addicted to Grass," Tahoe and Ashley's insatiable appetite for grass has returned.  They are literally mowing the lawn at the lake. It's impossible to get them to stop, which stinks because dogs can't digest grass. Yet, for some reason, they like to eat it.  They sure do act strange sometimes.

Ashley on the move

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